Tree of Knowledge Indiana
Tree Of Knowledge Coven At
Organized by our Teen Council!
In the last few months, we've noticed that the teens and tweens that join us are AMAZING leaders! In the past, some of our youngins have jumped at opportunities to help the adults set up activities or to help the younger guests with games. They are respectful and mature during rituals, and two tweens even volunteered to plan and lead a ritual at the Summer Solstice!
We are incredibly proud of the young people that are stepping up to be kind, helpful, and responsible members in the community. Our Summer council has decided that our youths (ages 10-17) would be the perfect people to not only represent the coven at this years Columbus Pride Festival, but to plan the coven's pride booth! We already have some youngins that are excited about this project. Considering the fact that some of our youths identify as part of the LGBTQ+ community, its important that they know that they have the support, respect, and love of our coven's adults.
We will have four Pride Planning Parties leading up to CPF (roughly every other Sunday). During these meetings, the youths will develop valuable skills as they work together to plan this project from start to finish. The coven is providing a $50 donation for supplies, the booth space fee, 10x10 tent, and a folding table. Two adults will be available to supervise the planning parties, assist with financial planning, and help the youths reach out to community members if needed. During this project, they will...
❤️ Get to know each other, make new friends, and support each other
🧡 Brainstorm ideas that they would love to include in the booth, organize the ideas into a plan, create a budget to buy supplies and decorations.
💛 If the $50 donation isn't enough to buy everything they want, they can decide whether to remove items from the budget, plan a fundraiser, or create DIY decorations.
💚 Research issues in the community that are important to them and learn what resources they can offer to help others. This could mean gathering flyers to hand out for local causes (Turning Point, Humane Society, etc), putting together local info and resources for LGBTQ+ youths, or raising funds for a local cause.
💙 On the big day, youths will volunteer in shifts with adult volunteers to greet guests, offer helpful info, and represent the coven
💜 Afterwards, they will have some valuable skills to use in the future as young leaders in the community (or to put on a resume).